
Swarangan Meditation Charitable Trust was formed in 2012 and it has, since then has been successfully working in different parts of the Jammu and Kashmir state with the goal of improving living conditions and quality of life of the urban and rural poor. SMCT has also been successfully working for save water and sanitation, Swachh bharat mission, skill development, save environment, spirituality etc.

Swarangan Meditation Charitable Trust was built on the vision of likeminded professionals from different segments of society who have pledged to raise the standard of living of the poor, needy and deprived residing in urban, rural, border and tribal areas. The basic objective of Swarangan Meditation Charitable Trust is to work towards improving livelihood opportunities especially in the difficult and disturbed districts of the state.

The role of civil society is to act as the prism through which all sections of humanity are viewed as equal and without discrimination. Human dignity combines the composite of all aspects of mental and physical well-being, and the ability to be able to achieve a standard of living, where society helps the vulnerable reach this goal by providing the necessary social supports. Yet the number of marginalized has risen and they have been denied the human rights that are inherent to every human being.

This year was a year of dramatic changes not only for the country in terms of anticorruption movements and economic reforms but our organization has also put in place new structures and norms and started new office in Gandhi Nagar, Jammu.

In this small journey, whatever we have achieved has been through participation of a number of individuals and groups who have worked with us, funded us, contributed ideas and even held our hand to help us travel the path. I thank all of you and especially the team of Swarangan Meditation Charitable Trust past and
present, who have helped in making some of our dreams come true. While treading this path, I would like to thank you all for sharing our collective dream and contributing your time, money and thoughts towards its realization.


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